The fear of rise in COVID-19 cases in the State the Maharashtra assosiation of resident doctors has shown his concern over COVID-19 cases and warned a strike in various Public and teaching hospitals in the state.
Keeping in view of their threat of strike it is assumed that government hospitals might get disrupted in the new year as the MARD doctors threatened to go on mass leave on January 2.
Regarding this Medical Education Minister of Maharashtra Girish Mahajan has already got a letter from resident doctors association.
The doctors cleared that if their demands will not disscussed immediately and will not meet the doctors in this winter session they will take leave action on this issue.
The doctors complained that they put their demand several times in the last year but they never got a proper response from minister.
As per doctors need ,the urgent requirements to create 1,432 posts of senior resident doctors so that the system can run and function property and smoothly.
The second demand is fixing the inadequate and dilapidated hostels in government colleges. Filling up vacancies for the post of associate and assistant professors and disbursal of dearness allowance , implimentation of equal apay for all resident disparity in payment policy.